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CONFLICTS MANAGEMENT source: Introduction Conflict is an argument or disagreement of individuals. This situation is mainly due to workplace inequality or poor working conditions or due to organizational issues. Settling the conflicts or stopping the conflict at the very beginning will be better for organizations. Definition, "A  situation in which people, groups or countries disagree strongly or are involved in a serious argument (Oxford Dictionery, 2020)" "The process which begins when one party perceived that another has frustrated, or is about to frustrate, some concerns of his (Thomas, 1992)" As defined above conflicts are araised due to mismatches and arguments which can not be accepted by parties. This may direct employees to a boycott or for a strike. Leaders of organizations need to care about such a situation and need to address the issues fairly. Further conflict can be raised by, 1.Individual Differences, 2.Interperso


EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT Introduction Commitment can identify as the individuals' willingness, loyalty & dedication towards the company. Committed employees perform well in companies. The commitment of employees can be increased through motivating people. Committed employees work on behalf of the company. They believe that they are a part of the company and the company values it very much. Hence their enthusiasm for work is higher than others. Definitions,   “Employee commitment can be defined as the degree to which the employee feels devoted to their organization (Akintoyo, 2010)” “An effective response to the whole organization & the degree of attachment one’s loyalty employees feel towards the organization (Ongori, 2007)” According to Mowday (1998) “ it is characterized by an emotional attachment to one’s organization that results from shared values & interest. There are three characteristics of commitment identified by Mowday


Organizational culture source: Introduction Culture is an important fact for the human being. Even for organizations, it influences very much. Good Organizational culture helps employees to work pleasantly. It improves interpersonal relationships and coordination with each other in an organization. Organizations have different cultures which have been grown up based on the nature of the organization. Organizational Culture directly effects on the behaviour of the organization. source: Definition “Organizational or corporate culture is the pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes& assumptions that may not have been articulated but shape the way in which people behave and things get done ( Armstrong, 2006)” “A system of shared values and beliefs about what is important, what behaviours are important and about feelings and relationships internally and externally (Purcell et al, 2003) “A system of shared values and be


PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Introduction Performance Management is a process which ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of operational activities of an organization & its individuals. Having an effective performance Management system drives the organization to reach its determined goals. Performance management system and parameters are decided by the top management of the company or by the owners of a company. Measuring performance help to improve the effectiveness and it motivates individuals & groups.   Definitions “A systematic Process for improving organizational performance by developing individuals and teams (Armstrong, 201_)” “Performance management is the key process through which work gets done. It’s how organizations communicate expectations and drive behaviour to achieve important goals (Pulakos, 2009)” “Identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the or


source: Introduction According to the Ulrich (1998) “Knowledge has become a direct competitive advantage for companies selling Ideas & relationships”. That means knowledge has the power to change any kind of business or any other activity in favour of the person who has the proper knowledge. Hence managing it is one such an interesting & vital process in an organization as well as in HRM literature. Definitions, “Knowledge Management is concerned with storing & sharing the wisdom, Understanding & expertise accumulated in an organization about its process, techniques & operations (Armstrong, 2006).” “Knowledge has become a direct competitive advantage for companies selling ideas & relationships (Ulrich, 1998)” “Any process or practice of creating, acquiring, capturing, sharing & using knowledge, wherever it resides, to enhance learning & performance in Organizations (Scarborough et al, 1999)” “The process of systematica


Employee Engagement Source: Introduction In human resource management literature all matters discussed with the employees in the organization. It is a vase area & that much of important to address hence human resource react quickly to the conditions arise. In this article on such topic discussed in Human Resource Management. source: Definitions “Employee engagement is the emotional commitment employees feel towards their organization and actions they take to ensure the organizations success (Allen, 2014)” “The individuals’ involvement & satisfaction with as well as enthusiasm for work (Harter et al, 2002)” “An individual’s purpose and focused energy, evident to others in the display of personal initiative, adaptability, effort & persistence directed towards organizational goals (Macey et al, 2009). “Engagement has become for practitioners an umbrella concept for capturing the various means by which employees


Learning & Development Source: Introduction  Learning & development aims to improve performance by enhancing individuals’ skills, knowledge & working capacity. Business needs to conduct continuous learning & development processors for its employees to adapt to the highly volatile modern business environment.  Definitions , “Learning & Development is defined as the process of ensuring that the organization has the knowledgeable, skilled & engaged workforce it needs (Armstrong, 2014)” “The purpose of learning & development as an organizational process is to aid collective progress through the collaborative, expert & ethical stimulation & facilitation of learning & knowledge that support business goals, develop individual potential, & respect & build on diversity (Harrison, 2009)”                                                                     Source:    Learning & develo


                       TALENT MANAGEMENT Introduction Employees in organizations always look for career development, job security, satisfaction & the welfare offered by the organization. If they feel that they are not received those, then they tent to leave the Organization. The success of an organization depends on the performance of human resource. Maintain a skilled & talented people drive the organization to success. Especially managing talent is vital in a dynamic competitive market to retain in the business. Talent management is a process which includes various activities which identify key areas need to expertise, develop existing employees or to hire potential candidates, sharpening skills and retain employees in the organization to thrive in the contemporary global market.   Definitions "The Systematic attraction, development & development of individuals who are of particular value to the organization, either because of


STRATEGIC EMPLOYEE RESOURCING Strategic employee resourcing aims to ensure that the organization has the people it needs to achieve its business goals. Integration of business strategies and employee resourcing strategies are very important to organizations. A most valuable asset of an organization is its human resources. It ensures the performance of the organization. Using good strategies to maintain the best possible human resource portfolio would ensure the competitive advantages by recruiting, retaining & developing more capable people than competitors. Effective hiring & firing, attracting the best candidates, reducing staff turnover & improving employee performance are fundamental management functions (Tylor, 2002)        Range of methods & approaches used by employers in resourcing their organizations in such a way as to enable them to meet their key goals( Tylor, 1998) Organizations are concentrating more on the attitudi