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Employee Engagement


In human resource management literature all matters discussed with the employees in the organization. It is a vase area & that much of important to address hence human resource react quickly to the conditions arise. In this article on such topic discussed in Human Resource Management.

“Employee engagement is the emotional commitment employees feel towards their organization and actions they take to ensure the organizations success (Allen, 2014)”

“The individuals’ involvement & satisfaction with as well as enthusiasm for work (Harter et al, 2002)”

“An individual’s purpose and focused energy, evident to others in the display of personal initiative, adaptability, effort & persistence directed towards organizational goals (Macey et al, 2009).

“Engagement has become for practitioners an umbrella concept for capturing the various means by which employees can elicit additional or discretionary effort from employees a willingness on the part of the staff to work beyond contract (CIPD, 2021)”

According to Alfes et al (2010) engagement consist of the main three facts,

1.    Intellectual engagement
Employees tend to think about job deeper & find ways to do it effectively. They use their skills & knowledge to improve the output better.  

2.    Affective engagement
Employee’s positive feeling toward doing a better job. Positive feelings guild towards better results.
3.    Social engagement
Active participation in work-related discussions and taking opportunities as maximum use of it.


Organizations make effort to develop its employees through learning & develop, motivating & encouragement. Its expectation is to enhance employee engagement towards the organization. Well motivated & satisfied employees engagement towards job& toward organization is comparatively high employees demonstrate care, enthusiasm, dedication, accountability & results-oriented.

According to Gallup (2012), in The United Kingdom, 17% of employees are engaged, 57% are not engaged & 26% are actively disengaged.

Engaged employees work with passion and feel an emotional connection to their company. They do innovation & move the organization forward. They are loyal, committed and productive employees.

In ABC Agency Pvt Ltd, which is a leading importer and distributor in the island had done a survey to measure the employee engagement and loyalty. The result was highly impressive. 55% of employees were highly engaged & the rest was not much as them.  Here the engagement is at a considerable level. Further inquiries of its annual report & a discussion with Manager HR revealed that the company has taken a series of actions to develop a very good working condition & a culture in the organization. Moreover, the company has a fine welfare structure to compensate its employees.

Due to Covid 19 Pandemic, most of the employees in the company was unable to report to work. Despite the economical loses, the company had paid salaries so far in full & had provided essential food packages for employees. As a result employee engagement has remarkably improved currently in the company.


When employees care, they care about the job and about the company. Then the enthusiasm toward the job also high. Satisfied, enthusiastic employees push up the organization high. Employee engagement is one such important to an organization in the long term. Continues monitoring and facilitating can improve engagement towards the company.


Allen, M., 2014. Employee Engagement- A culture change. Insights@.
Amstrong, M., 2012. Amostrong's Handbook of Human Resource Managment. 13th ed. London: Korganpage.
Anon., 2020. [Online].
Armstrong, M., 2014. A Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice. 13 ed. London: Kogan Page.
Youtube, 2020. [Online].


  1. employee engagement is explained theoretically is well.and the reference ""Anon., 2020. [Online]" is wrong.

  2. Very good article .
    According to the UK Tesco personal director statement employee engagement is a key tool for employers that want to attract and retain staff (Nelson, 2012). Using engagement strategies Tesco fulfilled their business strategy in very competitive and dynamic business environment.


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