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Conflict is an argument or disagreement of individuals. This situation is mainly due to workplace inequality or poor working conditions or due to organizational issues. Settling the conflicts or stopping the conflict at the very beginning will be better for organizations.


"A situation in which people, groups or countries disagree strongly or are involved in a serious argument (Oxford Dictionery, 2020)"

"The process which begins when one party perceived that another has frustrated, or is about to frustrate, some concerns of his (Thomas, 1992)"

As defined above conflicts are araised due to mismatches and arguments which can not be accepted by parties. This may direct employees to a boycott or for a strike. Leaders of organizations need to care about such a situation and need to address the issues fairly. Further conflict can be raised by,

1.Individual Differences,
2.Interpersonal Issues,
3.Organizational Factors,
4.Communication gaps,
5.Delay in addressing issues,
6.Scare resources,
7.Unresolved prior conflicts,

Conflicts can be raise among co-workers, with superiors, Interpersonal Groups, between line managers or among inter organizations. Reason for the conflict can be a small thing but such a small thing can lead a conflict to a war between nations. Managing conflict is vital for organizations to minimise losses and damages.


Western American Corporation is a multinational company operates with 200 outlets in Sri Lanka established in 2005. The company had been awarded for the best HR practises for the last three years. The managing director had delivered a speech to its employees after the last achievement and stated that "The proper HR monitoring and arbitration took the company to this award."  Before 2015 Company had been suffering for higher employee turnover and from grievances. But in 2015 the company had adopted a new strategy for conflict management and the company had proven its ability. 

Having a strong conflict management system is a blessing for an organization. conflicts are usual in everywhere. But Managing it direct organization into higher levels.


 Oxford Dictionary, 2020. [Online]
linkedin, 2019. [Online].
Thomas, K. W., 2014. Conflict and Conflict Management: Reflections and Update. Journal of Organizational Behavior., 2020.[Online]
Youtube, 2020. [Online].


  1. You can use following method for resolve conflict in your organization.

    1. Set ground rules. ask all parties to treat one another with respect and to form a trial to pay attention and perceive others’ views.
    2. Ask every participant to explain the conflict, together with desired changes. Direct participants to use “I” statements, not “you” statements. they ought to specialize in specific behaviors and issues instead of individuals.
    3. Ask participants to retell what others have aforementioned.
    4. Summarize the conflict supported what you have got detected and acquire agreement from participants.
    5. Brainstorm solutions. Discuss all of the choices in an exceedingly positive manner.
    6. Rule out any choices that participants agree square measure unfeasible.
    7. Summarize all attainable choices for an answer.
    8. Assign additional analysis of every choice to individual participants.
    9. Make sure all parties agree on subsequent steps.
    10. Close the meeting by asking participants to recognize, apologize and convey one another for operating to resolve the conflict.


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