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Commitment can identify as the individuals' willingness, loyalty & dedication towards the company. Committed employees perform well in companies. The commitment of employees can be increased through motivating people. Committed employees work on behalf of the company. They believe that they are a part of the company and the company values it very much. Hence their enthusiasm for work is higher than others.


“Employee commitment can be defined as the degree to which the employee feels devoted to their organization (Akintoyo, 2010)”
“An effective response to the whole organization & the degree of attachment one’s loyalty employees feel towards the organization (Ongori, 2007)”

According to Mowday (1998) “it is characterized by an emotional attachment to one’s organization that results from shared values & interest. There are three characteristics of commitment identified by Mowday et al. (1982)”

1.       A strong desire to remain a member of the organization
2.       A strong belief in and acceptance of the values & goals of the organization
3.       A readiness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization.

Committed workforce carries the organization towards goals. Leaders need to take necessary actions to make people committed towards the organization. Committed workforce ensures the stability and the sustainability of the company.
In D & J PLC, Employee commitment indicates a lower level. The research found that the employees of the company are demotivated and frustrated. Companies’ direction of management has been changed & the new management style and only concerned about the cost-reducing. Further middle management of the company is not communicating the front line situations to higher management. Since policies are not meant for real situations. The workload for an individual is high since the employees tend to reject work. As a result, commitment towards the company is at a lower level and performance of the overall company has reduced at a considerable percentage. Considering the existing facts D & J PLC need to take immediate actions to motivate its employees, rescheduling work & setting up a new monitoring system to overcome the situation.


 The commitment of employees is a core factor in organizational performance. Acquiring it is not just a single step but also a long term process. Organization need to step down to the employees & need to address their issues and need to motivate them. A long term well organized HRM process can achieve a higher employee commitment


Amstrong, M., 2012. Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Managment. 13th ed. London: Korganpage.
linkedin, 2019. [Online].
Mechanic, I. &., 2014. Effect of Employee Commitment on Organizational Performance. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS).
Youtube, 2020. [Online]. [Online].


  1. lthough we try and keep our personal issues out of the workplace, there are some occasions where our personal and professional lives may merge. it's important to make a versatile approach to managing your workforce, this could include flexible working patterns, annual leave and also their professional development. There are many advantages of workplace flexibility, it can afford both employers and employees to succeed in agreements on arrangements that are beneficial to both parties. Some companies provided greater degree of flexibility. Taking the time to know your employees’ needs will demonstrate you're making the trouble to totally integrate them into the corporate and see them as a valued member of the team, crucial to extend your employee commitment and loyalty.


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