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Organizational culture


Culture is an important fact for the human being. Even for organizations, it influences very much. Good Organizational culture helps employees to work pleasantly. It improves interpersonal relationships and coordination with each other in an organization. Organizations have different cultures which have been grown up based on the nature of the organization. Organizational Culture directly effects on the behaviour of the organization.


“Organizational or corporate culture is the pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes& assumptions that may not have been articulated but shape the way in which people behave and things get done ( Armstrong, 2006)”

“A system of shared values and beliefs about what is important, what behaviours are important and about feelings and relationships internally and externally (Purcell et al, 2003)

“A system of shared values and beliefs about what is important, what behaviours are important and about feelings and relationships internally and externally (Furnham and Gunter,1993)”

As defined above culture is a condition what the way work is done in an organization. That means having a better and dynamic culture drive the particular organization to the goals determined. Cultures consist of beliefs, Customs, attitudes & norms. All mentioned are deal with human behaviours. Developing a better culture is challenging for organization & it takes a long period of time. During such period Leaders of the organization need to feed the culture with good values, beliefs & customs. Institutes have unique cultural characteristics based on the nature of their business, Industry situation, labour force, internal work process and the legal requirements.

Consideration into Microsoft Corporation’s culture, it ensures workforce resilience and capability to address business in the dynamic market for computer hardware and software products. A company’s corporate culture refers to the values traditions and behavioural expectations among employees. The company uses its organizational culture to deliver the best customer service among pillars.


ABC School of Higher Education is the main private education provider in Sri Lanka. Its motto is “A better Education for everyone”. As said they provide a better education. Organizational culture has been developed based on the motto and vision of its founders. Drop out the percentage of student’s record minimal level. Academic and non-academic the staff of the institute are dedicated to giving the best service for the students. Due to the reasons mentioned the institute has become the best private education provider in Sri Lanka.

Better organizational culture directs its employees & the organization on the right direction. As per the literature & the practice of HRM has witnessed it in the past. Developing a good culture is a top priority of any organization for success.


Armstrong, M., 2014. A Hand-Book of Human Resource Management Practice. 13 ed. London: Kogan Page.
Linkedin, 2019. [Online].
Youtube, 2020. [Online]. [Online].


  1. following benefits you may able to obtain by strong organization culture.

    Customer Satisfaction
    Revenue Gains
    Steady Growth
    Increased Motivation
    Better Decision Making
    Enhanced Ability to Attract Top Talent
    Better Employee Retention
    Happier, Healthier Employees due to work life balance
    More Desirable Company Image


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