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Motivation is one of the most vital facts in Human Resource Management. Every level of human resource needs motivation to perform well to achieve determined organisational goals. Generally, people tend to work hard when they have some benefits or rewards. Hence, in Human resource management, motivation and its scope are being discussed thoroughly. It is the art of making willingness of people to work or for direct goals.  


Enthusiasm for doing something
(Cambridge English Dictionary, 2020)

Motivation is a reason for doing something. Motivation is concerned with the factors that influence people to behave in certain ways.
(Arnold et al,1991) 

Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal.

Importance of motivation

As human beings, people need to satisfy their desires. Hence always people expect to gather food, money, success, achievements etc. On the other hand, people feel unpleasant or worse due to various situations and facts. In such an instance, motivation is required to make people refresh or energize.

·         Put human resources into action
·         Improves the level of the efficiency of employees
·         Leads to achievement of the organizational goals
·         Builds friendly relationship
·         Leads to the stability of the workforce

(Management Study Guide, 2020)

Above mentioned are some importance identified by Management Study Guide. Organizations all over the continents look for the best efficient workforce for their companies to maintain the best outcomes by keeping the most valuable asset actively.  That is a compulsory fact in HRM.
There are some instances where organizations have good results in the short term and average or lower results in the long term and the employee turnover indicates little high. This might due to dissatisfaction and efficiency of the use of Human resource.

Considering the global context; Shell is one of the best multinational company which is operating over seventy (70) countries. Shell is one of the best companies among which maintain better welfare and work conditions to its employees (Corporate Equality Index of Human Rights Campaign, 2018).
Shell offers equal opportunities for everyone, career development, promotions, training and rewards for all of its employees regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical ability which are cause for motivation.

In the local context, ABC bank does the same for its employees such as offering better workplace, a better working environment, offering the highest remuneration in the field, performance-based promotions, better grievances handling procedure are highlighted. Even in the current pandemic situation, the bank paid salaries in full without a cut and has offered various welfare arrangements to employees. As a leading corporate they use the best motivational strategies and practice.   


Armstrong, M., 1991. A Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice. 10 ed. London: Kogan Page.

Arnold, 1991. Work Psychology. London: s.n.

Business Dictionary, 2020. [Online]
Available at:

Cambridge Dictionary, 2020. Cambridge Dictionary. [Online]

Management Study Guide, 2020. Management Study Guide. [Online]

Shell Sustainability Report 2018, 2018. Shell Sustainability Report 2018. [Online]

Word Glossary, 2020. Word Glossary / Youtube. [Online], 2020. [Online]


  1. blog format (font size, font format, etc.) not at required level and observed some grammar mistakes. why you used a web link in this article. it will be incorrect if you used those links as citations or references. as per your statement not only shell company also ABC company only used the "equal opportunity" concept for motivation. better if you can just high light factors affecting employee motivation and how to manage those factors in the organization in order to maintain motivated employees in the facility. you cannot do all things with 350 words but if you reduce words from the instruction section and using some draft you will able to manage it. 

    please add citations and references for the following statement."According to Corporate Equality Index of Human Rights Campaign, in 2018 shell is one of the best companies among which maintain better welfare and work conditions to it's employees."

    the video that you are used to this blog about the introduction about motivation. hence it will be better if you can use this video in the introduction section in this blog. 
     The citation and references that you are used to this blog are incorrect. whatever the cited in this blog it should appear under reference. 
    Thanks for giving the opportunity to comment on your blog and only I highlighted negative areas that I observed in your blog to save the time of us. it's not mean your blog does not have any positive things. 

    1. Thank you Thilina. I will amend the highlighted issues.

  2. As you have mentioned Nipuna motivation is the inner drive that directs a person's behavior toward goals. It is highly linked with employee engagement and employee engagement almost always leads to higher productivity.
    It would be better if you could mention about measuring employee motivation as well in your article. Make sure to include citations within the text.
    This has the potential of being an excellent post.

    1. Thank you Jayasrini. I will amend highlighted points.

  3. in your blog, no academical and difficult to read (font,background). start to finish only two heading you've explained all the matters. need improvements

  4. very interest article. connection of subheadings were little bit confused. more pictures are attached and some of them are not inorder and be careful with font size...Thank you very much giving the opportunity to comment on this.... Anyway have to learn lot of things from your article.

  5. Good .
    Your article is not a complete article. you have to follow blog criteria which was explained by Dr Razi.
    Global context
    local company


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